
Here are some of the projects I enjoyed working on -

Approach to design

More options

I enjoy creating multiple options, be it components or entire layouts. So there's always more to choose from, never less.

Lightning fast

By spewing out first drafts very quickly, there's always more time to fine-tune, iterate and arrive at a first version that works.

Objective & Decisive

Familiar layouts and mental models are key while designing. So the confidence levels in my designs are very high.

Good-looking & Bullet-proof

Over the years I've learned to design with clarified assumptions & dev. challenges. So my designs look good AND work well.

informed & assumed

The unknown does not bewilder me. I'm comfortable with less information and can simulate with the help of resources on the internet.

System thinking

Working with reusable components and layouts instil a type of discipline and structure. Increasing overall efficiency.